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Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) UK-Accredited Diplomas
Diploma in CBT with the Psychology of Depression, Grieving & Loss April - May 2025

Module 1: Sat 26th - Sun 27th April
Module 2: Sat 10th - Sun 11th May
11.00 am - 7.00 pm GST (Gulf Standard Time - UAE)
8.00 am - 4.00 pm BST (British Standard Time)

NCIP Accredited Course Logo.jpg

We also offer a Diploma in the Psychology of Eating Disorders & OCD, which incorporates the principles of CBT. Please ask for details.


The two-part UK-accredited CBT Diploma provides an intensive short training for professional practitioners seeking CPD in the theory & practice of CBT. The Diploma qualification is awarded on successfully completing the course and passing the post-course exam at the required level. This qualifications is accredited for CPD purposes, constituting a total of 40 CEU credit hours.


The course is suitable for those with an appropriate background, including: psychotherapists hypnotherapists, counsellors, well-being coaches, health & medical professionals, educators with pastoral roles, etc. who wish to learn & apply the basic principles & practices of CBT, which can be combined very effectively with

other modalities. In particular, this course integrates complementary practices from modalities such as clinical hypnotherapy and NLP.

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