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Conscious Analytic Therapy (CAT)*

A 10-lesson online course for therapists and counsellors

Conscious Analytical Therapy (CAT) gains its strength from the fact that it is more flexible and more interactive than straightforward hypnoanalysis or regression to cause. We can work with a wider variety of psychological conditions and can even achieve positive results when working with the most logical and analytical clients.

It is a fact that there are times when you really need to use an analytical style of therapy with a client, yet they are unable to enter or maintain a working state of hypnosis. However, with CAT you can work in an investigative manner with any personality type from logical and analytical to extremely emotional, and anywhere in between.

The ability to use analytical and regression techniques is important for every therapist, but there is a problem in that not every client is suitable for this sort of work. Indeed, some clients are not suitable for hypnotherapy. So, the professional therapist who wants to be able to help almost every client that comes into their office needs a wider set of tools at their disposal and that's what this course provides. Analytical or Regression techniques using hypnosis are not recommended for those who are:

  • Hypnophobic

  • Extremely logical & analytical

  • Hypervigilant

  • Suffer epilepsy

  • Poor at recall

  • Excessively emotional

  • Emotionally restricted

  • Auto-resistant

  • Non-communicative

To an extent, you might be able to help the first, the ‘Hypnophobic’ individual, to overcome their fears of hypnosis - but if that fear is a true phobia (not unknown) then you will be seeking to overcome their imagination with your persuasion. Not an easy task. Also, if it becomes known that you can work without formal hypnosis, the hypnophobic person will be far more inclined to pay you a visit, so your potential client base will become wider.

The second and third type of client, the one who is highly Logical Analytical or Hypervigilant are just simply not suitable for working with hypnotherapy. The first continually tests and is therefore likely to prohibit the onset of hypnosis; the second is constantly staying on guard and will not allow anything to divert their attention from that need. The epileptic is not suitable because of the possibility of triggering a seizure and the person who is very poor at recall simply has trouble remembering 'stuff'.

This course will give you a selection of different tools to work with all types, as well as several techniques to massively improve effectiveness where you are able to use hypnosis.

There are many original techniques covered in detail, many of which have not been taught before, including one for specialised working with toxic relationships. And then there's a virtual world technique which uses a horse to lose the fear of driving in one session, and a different version to banish flying fear as if it never had existed. This astoundingly simple technique can be used for all many of fears and anxieties.

What's covered? Here are just some of the subjects covered in the ten tutorials:

  • The human - a total learning machine

  • Doing Analysis without hypnosis

  • Understanding Cognitive Dissonance

  • When a phobia is not a phobia at all

  • The ‘Ham Pan’ moment

  • Regressive Progression

  • The ‘Book of Life’

  • Effective use of dissociation

  • ‘Don't can't’

  • The ‘Polybind’

  • The link between Emetophobia and Sexuality

  • Dealing with toxic relationships

  • When and how to use provocative therapy

  • The ‘Virtual World’ technique

  • Common and Uncommon problems in analytical therapy - and how to overcome them.

If you ever had any doubt about working analytically to get to the 'roots' of a problem; if you ever feared that you wouldn't know what to do if a client suddenly abreacted; if you ever doubted your confidence to work in the deepest recesses of your client's mind, than this course is made for you! If, on the other hand, you are already familiar with all those concepts yet still struggle to get the result you and your client desire, then this course will also be highly beneficial.

Over the ten tutorials you will gain enough knowledge and expertise to ensure you can provide the best of all possible therapeutic interventions for almost every client who presents for your care. Not only that but the course support materials (over 200 pages) provide a fantastic future resource that you will be able to refer to time and again and the course represents excellent value.

Please note: You must already be qualified as a hypnotherapist, counsellor or psychotherapist to be eligible for this course.

*This course is accredited by EICH/APHP for 15 hours of CPD/CEU.

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